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Gallery Owner

Founder / Manager

Nameform Media

Digital Artists

Digital Artists Around the World and All the Nationalities


Joy, Charity, Love and Happiness Shared with Others

"I am very excited to be in the world of Digital Art and NFT's. I have a real joy to do this, with the special intention of making others happy through the charity projects I have been carrying at least from 2014, through and only from own contribution, for people in needs and for animals also, abbandoned and not only.

Thank you for your appreciation and support."

                                         Andrei Neboisa, founder of Nameform Media                                                        .                  & Nameform NFT's Gallery

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Brancusi House Museum.jpeg

The Memorial House-Museum of the Gratest Modernist Sculptor

  • Detalii tehnice pictura reala

    Dimnsiuni: 500 x 400mm

    Artist: Teodore-Adrian Negoita (from Strehaia, Mehedinti County - ROMANIA 🇹🇩)

    Tehnica: Ulei pe Panza

    Anul crearii: 2019

    Semnatura artistului: Da, pe spate​

  • Detalii tehnice despre formatul digital 

    Dimensiuni: 500 x 400 ratio in 200.000 pixeli (pixeli de 1 x 1 mm)

    Creator: Nameform Media - ROMANIA 🇹🇩

    Executie: Digital Pixel Art

    Anul executiei: Ianuarie -  Martie  2022

    Colectie: Case Memoriale-Muzeu, de Nameform Galerie NFT'S 

Fata Necunoscuta de Autor Necunoscut

  • Detalii tehnice sculptura reala

    Dimensiuni: Lungime: 42cm, Latime: 25 cm, Inaltime: 30 cm     Material: Piatra                                                                              Tehnica: Sculptura in piatra                                                              Datare: aproximativ anii '30, secolul XX.                                              Oras provenienta: IASI, Romania  🇹🇩                                              Autor: necunoscut

  • NOTA: soclul este creat recent de un artist roman

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